The coronavirus pandemic is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, this virus is not an artificial creation, it arose naturally. There is evidence that it comes from horseshoe bats. The first reports of this pandemic were reported from Wuhan, a city in China. Probably a man contracted the infection by eating the meat of a pangolin that was infected with the virus through bat feces.
The first victims of the coronavirus appeared at the end of 2019. When he only performed in China, no one was afraid that he would reach us, because “it's so far”. However, it spread very quickly all over the world.
I was probably one of the few people who was not interested in the topic and was not afraid of the virus. The fact of the actual threat reached me only when in March 2020, while at the university, we received the message about the suspension of classes due to the coronavirus developing in our country. At first, everyone was excited about the new situation but worried nonetheless. Personally, the decision to close the university surprised me because the people infected in our country were a relatively small group of people. As I found out later, all schools and universities across the country were closed. Teaching turned into online mode, and I was financially supported by my parents and returned to my family home so that they would not have to transfer money to live in Szczecin. For the longer than usual period of my visits to my parents, I felt like a teenager again, when I was going out somewhere, I met them with questions about where and with whom and if these people had no contact with the infected. The news of the coronavirus was constantly on TV in my family home. Parents shopped once a week and were constantly talking about the pandemic. Together with my sister, I tried to persuade my parents to listen to the news less, but the requests did not work, and after a while the information from the country stopped bothering them so much. I also had problems with the internet in online classes because my parents live in the village. This period is by far the worst since the beginning of the pandemic. Therefore, in June of the same year, I decided to return to Szczecin to find a job and to ease the financial burden on my parents who paid for my studies. In the era of coronavirus it was difficult, but after a few CVs I got a job.
When the number of people infected increased drastically, I was afraid to leave the house and I tried to do shopping rarely. While working in the store, I only worked in a mask.
Over time, such attention has faded and wearing a mask is normal.
My biggest concern was closing the shopping malls in which I worked twice. I was afraid that due to the lack of livelihoods I would have to return to my family home. However, with the boy's financial help, we both supported each other.
The pandemic did not affect me in any particular way, I was most concerned with money issues and the health of my loved ones.